With Debbie Stapleton
Saturday, July 15th 2023
1 PM ET / 10 AM PT / 12 PM CT
Join the International Association of Astral Magic and I for a conversation about astrological magic, folk herbalism, navigating planetary correspondence in the plant kingdom, and developing a plant-based astrological magic practice that is anchored in your local space and the land that surrounds you.
“There is a major hurdle when we first approach the intersection between astrological magic and botany. Key treatises by Agrippa, Ficinio, Ibn-Ezra and Culpepper among others do not assign the same plants to the luminaries and 5 visible planets. This can be perplexing.
How can I be sure I am picking the right plant?
Due to the laconic nature of surviving treatises, the first principles that motivated each astrological magician to assign plants to specific plants is not mentioned. Given the oral tradition of astrological magic, these first principles were once considered obvious.
These lists were meant to be a reminder to an initiated practitioner. Debbie will introduce us to these first principles, which are clearly evident to individuals with a deep knowledge of plant/planet correspondences, but can be obscure to those of us who might not yet be intimately familiar.
Instead of getting trapped in the cage of a universally applicable plant cannon, it is crucial to situate each surviving treatise within its specific climate and historical moment.
For example, whereas Agrippa travelled widely throughout Europe, his list indicates plants more readily available in Germany, whereas Ibn-Ezra lists plants that a practitioner could procure in the drier climate of Spain, and Ficino suggests plants common in Tuscany.
This opens an invitation to us - what are the plants in our immediate environment that resonate with the first principles of plant/planet correspondences?”
Hope to see you there ✨🌿

Community Astrology Circle
Monday May 23: 7 - 8:30 pm
Sliding scale fee: 10-30$
Register: https://starfruitastrology.as.me/AstroCircle
20$ off discount code: COM20
10$ off discount code: COM10
Join your host *Debbie Stapleton for this monthly astrology gathering. Together we’ll prepare for the upcoming cosmic events of each new zodiac season, answer any curiosities you may have about your birth chart, and workshop questions for budding astrologers.
Anyone at any level of astrology interest is welcome to attend. We’ll delve into astrology’s rich knowledge, traditions and practices that help us better attune to planetary energies, and live meaningful lives amid these challenging times.
This month we’ll focus on the upcoming astrology of Gemini Season, with it’s themes of curiosity, sociablity and adaptation.

Community Astrology Circle
Monday April 18: 7 - 8:30 pm
Sliding scale fee: 10-30$
Register: starfruitastrology.as.me
20$ off discount code: COM20
10$ off discount code: COM10
Join your host Debbie Stapleton for this monthly astrology gathering. Together we’ll prepare for the upcoming cosmic events of each new zodiac season, answer any curiosities you may have about your birth chart, and workshop questions for budding astrologers.
Anyone at any level of astrology interest is welcome to attend. We’ll delve into astrology’s rich knowledge, traditions and practices that help us better attune to planetary energies, and live meaningful lives amid these challenging times.
This month we’ll focus on the upcoming astrology of Taurus Season and explore its themes of renewal, growth and beauty.
In this talk we’ll clarify what the 4 temperaments are, how they connect to astrology, the benefits of weaving them into our astrology readings, and a simple method of calculation. I will also share my favourite books on the subject for folks who’d like to go deeper after the talk!