Pisces season 2025
At 2:07 am PT, the Sun leaves crisp, mid-winter Aquarius to enter fluid Pisces until March 20. This transition marks the beginning of Pisces Season, which illuminates the 12th and final zodiac sign. Pisces consciousness is one of deep meditative awareness and spiritual fulfillment.

On January 19, the Sun transitioned from the resolute earth sign of Capricorn into the fixed air sign of Aquarius until February 18. Aquarius, represented by the Water Bearer, is one of astrology's humane signs. It symbolizes archetypes of humanity, our ideas, social agreements and collective interests.
When Scorpio Season arrives, reminders of endings surround us. It’s the Season of death, witchery, remembering ancestors and peering through the tattered veil between our world and the realm of our beloved dead. Summer’s elation is long behind us, and the harvest is gathered and stored.
At 5:44 am PT, the Sun crossed cardinal Libra’s threshold, initiating the Fall Equinox. On this day, light and dark come into balance, and we begin the descent into the ever-darkening last quarter of the year until the Winter Solstice.

leo season 2024
As the Sun enters Leo, it immediately opposes Pluto in Aquarius, setting the stage for a profoundly transformative period. This transit invites us to confront our shadows and embrace personal growth.

cancer season 2024
On June 20, the Sun leaves airy Gemini to enter Cancer's balmy shores, coinciding with the Summer Solstice. This transition, marking the longest day of the year, heralds a time of warmth, light, and solar splendour in the northern hemisphere.

Gemini Season: May 20 - June 20, 2024
As the Sun leaves Taurus's fertile mid-spring passage, it ignites the lively Season of the Twins. Gemini Season ushers in a time of versatile exploration, intellectual adventure, and thrilling curiosity…

Aries Season is upon us: the time of the Sun’s re-birth in the Northern Hemisphere…

My astrology story so far…
I've been a stargazer for as long as I can remember…