Please review the following policies before booking your first appointment.


Consultations are conducted online, with some select in-person dates available.

All the readings' contents will remain confidential, yet should your chart present a relevant example, I will ask your permission to use it anonymously for teaching purposes. I will respect your wish should you decline.

After our meeting, I will send a ZOOM link to your recorded session so that you may download this and review it anytime.


Payments are due in advance to reserve your time and reflect that your session preparation begins before you arrive. Payments are processed through Square online. I can accept e-transfers from Canadian clients if needed. Please email me directly if the latter applies to you.


I offer sliding-scale costs for my full-length services for those in financial need. Please email me directly to discuss options.


  • If something comes up and you need to reschedule, you may do so anytime, and also within 24 hours. You can use the link in your original confirmation email to move to a new time. 

  • If you cancel your appointment, and are not intending to reschedule, a refund minus a 10% processing fee will be issued if you cancel before 24 hours of your appointment Pacific Time.

  • If you cancel within 24 hours Pacific Time of your appointment, and are not intending to reschedule, I will issue a 50% refund.

  • If you do not show up for your appointment, I cannot issue a refund.

  • If you do not show up for an appointment 3 times, you will not be permitted to book with me again.

These are my policies, however, I am open to discussing exceptional circumstances should these arise. Please email me directly if this applies to you.


Refunds are granted up to 30 days after your service. After this, no refund requests will be accepted. 

Please only book a session for yourself or as a gift for others if you or the recipient have a true interest in astrology and have checked out my website and social media to get a sense of me and my work. Astrology approaches vary and are subject to the individual astrologer’s interpretation at the time. 

Readings are best when you arrive in good faith, with an open mind and heart, and are ready to participate and collaborate with me to ensure a positive, fruitful experience.


The quality, accuracy, and full use of my astrological skills in chart consultations can only be assured if I am supplied with your precise birth information. Please try wherever possible to obtain your date, time and place of birth from your family, or from birth records.

Should family recollection fail to recover your birth time, you can write to the records department of the hospital you were born in to obtain this information, or order a copy of your birth registration from your local Vital Statistics department. A birth registry document is different from your birth certificate, as it often contains a birth time when the birth certificate does not. 

If you cannot obtain your time of birth we will cast a solar or lunar house chart based on your birth date, which will deliver limited but still interesting information. 

Some of my colleagues practice an art called chart rectification, that reverse-engineers an approximate birth time for you based on the timing of key events in your life. This is beyond my current scope, but if you are interested in exploring this service, please email me through the CONTACT page for referrals.